And they're off!

And they're off!

Phew! That was hard work! 

So for those that aren't aware, I've been spending the last few weeks finalising the production of our first line of terrain. I've finished off the designs, built production templates and sorted out all the other stuff, like packaging and making sure it can travel safely by post, to ensuring that there are instructions and guides for the construction of said terrain. It's been a monumental task. 

But now it's done! Numerous parcels have been sent or picked up, winging our terrain across the world for people to open, assemble and enjoy. 

And I have to say, I'm terrified. This is the reason I bought a laser cutter - to make terrain - and I'm a little nervous about what people are going to think of it! I'm pleased with how it's all turned out, and I think it looks great, but there's an awful lot of great work out there, and I don't want to seem poor by comparison! So yeah, lots of bitten finger nails here at Art of War Studios. But, it's nice to finish a project, particularly a big one like this. Now we just have to work hard on clearing the backlog of orders. 

On that note, we are still behind. :-( We're delayed by roughly two weeks, so it's an improvement on what we started with. Plus, we now have all the neoCity done, and a wealth of custom work out of the way, which allows us to literally non-stop produce orders and get them out the door. I've updated the shipping schedule to anticipate this - we really want to be caught up, because it hurts our revenue, and more importantly, our reputation. We intend to be one of the best third party companies in the wargames industry!

You may have noticed our Frostgrave tokens appearing here and there; this new line will be released in the next couple of weeks, along with some additions to our existing lines, such as silhouette templates for Infinity, Template trays for X Wing, and whatever else we can get made and ready in time. These will be our last new products of this year as we begin to focus on preparing our terrain for general release. 

So, well done for making it this far (treat yourself to a biscuit/cookie or something), and thanks for choosing Art of War Studios! 

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