Do you know what there hasn't been enough of during lockdown? Dragons, jet packs and death maidens. Let's rectify that immediately with another edition of Frontline News!

Games Workshop has certainly ensured that Necromunda continues to get stunning new miniatures on a regular basis. The new stars of House of Blades, Death Maidens provide a new Champion option, and can really bring the pain. Armed with Venom Claws, these ferocious combatants can also reroll ones when rolling against the target's toughness, making those nasty poison attacks much more reliable. This new tome also includes some terrifying Bounty Hunter and House Agent units to help ensure that Escher can deal with anything the other gangs throw at them!

It's been a little while since we gave Warhammer Underworlds some love, but the game is still going strong. We've always been a fan of how it allows us to play lots of short, brutal games, and the new warbands are very pretty indeed. We can definitely see Morgwaeth's Blade-coven appealing to anyone seeking some cool dark elf models. We expect them to be fast, skilful glass cannons who will seek to control when and where the fighting takes place, and can't wait to see the cards.

Sticking with feisty heroines for the moment, Steamforged Games has teased some information for the new Champion in Godtear, Keera. Supported by a terrifying cadre of dragons, she is able to dish out fiery justice against multiple enemies at once, by inflicting wounds on any champions adjacent to her pets. Available on pre-order and prepped for release in August, Keera is certain to light up your games of Godtear in the coming months!

Keera isn't the only reason to watch the skies. ARC Troopers are coming to Star Wars Legion! FFG has unleashed these elite clones onto the battlefield and they are tooled up to the max! With jet packs and EMP grenades, they can easily catch the enemy unawares and slow down advancing droids. Add in a sniper rifle and you have a tough, hard-hitting, flexible and manoeuvrable unit that will cause all sorts of problems for your opponent.

Talking of elite units, the Unsullied Swordmasters of House Targaryen are sharpening their blades! The latest release for CMON's A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game, these expensive warriors are not the most heavily armoured, but that allows them to move around the table at a reasonable rate, instead of being slowed down under hulking slabs of steel. Their ability 'Unsullied Prowess' allows no defense saves at all for hit rolls of 6, allowing them to cut a bloody swathe through anything that opposes them.

Adeptus Titanicus is one of those games I've yet to play, but find really alluring. I loved Epic Scale Space Marine back in the day, and I only hear good things about this new set. The latest kit includes 4 Cerastus Knights armed with war blades, bolt cannons, chainfists and flame cannons. They're adorable and I'm looking for an excuse to buy them... mainly because I love painting mechs.

Finally this week, it's time to look at Crusade, which might just be the most exciting aspect of 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000. Players are invited to shape their armies over several battles, with units and characters developing awesome new skills and abilities, to mark them out as veterans of eternal war. We're hard at work in the bunker planning our armies, and as soon as we have all the points values we'll be going toe to toe on the grimdark battlefields of the far future, to see who's boss! To find out more about this new way of playing, check out the series of articles on Warhammer Community. But be warned... it'll get you buzzing for hobby and games!
That's all for this week. We'd love to hear what you think of Crusade and whether it will be your main focus in the age of 9th edition. Happy gaming!