The one where Art of War Studios met Guildball Informer...

The one where Art of War Studios met Guildball Informer...

So we've been chatting to the guys over at Guildball Informer recently, and to tie in with the release of our Free Cities Football range, we've given them a discount code that they're gonna share with their viewers to get some great deals on our products. Make sure you tune into their youTube channel and subscribe so that you don't miss out! 

In other news, we've had an absolute drama with our emails - we tried migrating the old server, but it crashed both of them and we lost almost everything. Luckily, it's now fixed, but if you don't receive a reply from us about an email you've sent in the past week, then please send it again, as it was probably lost in the migration. 

Lastly, we're working on not one; not two, but three huge projects here at Art of War Studios, one of which requires some play testers. If you're interested in alpha testing a game created by the same guy who designed Beasts of War's Assault on Hoth table at the 2015 Salute, send an email over to 

That's all for now; speak to you all soon! 

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