Bad habits!

Bad habits!

Darn it - I promised myself I'd keep a semi-regular blog. Ah well. 

Busy as always here at Art of War Studios. We're catching up with ourselves following the Easter break and a bout of lurgy amongst the staff. I'm glad to say that we're pretty much back on track. 

We've got Salute coming up next week... That's gonna be exciting. We're headed there, not with a stall, but with our good selves. We'll be there with some samples and some freebies and we're hoping to get some games in and have some fun. You see, this is our last Salute we can attend for fun; as from next year, we'll have a stall there. 

That's at once pretty exciting and pretty scary. Still, if I can manage this then I can probably manage a stall. 

We're gonna try and get something exciting together for the day - it depends on whether or not we get the chance to. Hopefully we'll have a fun game planned or something, but either way, we'll see you there! 

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