Big changes ahead!

Big changes ahead!

It's been a busy couple of months here at Art of War Studios! We ended up swamped with orders, then fell behind, then fought like madmen and finally managed to get back on top of things! It's been exhilarating, and we've learnt lots from the experience. 

Chief of which is Art of War Studios' need to fly the nest. We've been running it from our home for the last two years, squeezing in large production lasers and learning to love the smell of vaporised acrylic and MDF (well, everyone loves burnt MDF). Now, however, we need more lasers, and therefore, more space. So we're looking around for a nice office in the countryside (we think we've found the perfect place) which will become our base of operations; once we're there, we'll get some additional machines and even set up our long awaited.... Wait; I've said too much already! 

In order to do that, we need income! So please buy lots and lots of our tokens so that we can grow and expand and make many more exciting products for you to enjoy in the future! We've got a whole new wave of Infinity goods about to be released, and then updates to all out current lines! Following that, we'll be starting our much awaited scenery line, something we've been working on since we began selling tokens back in 2014! 

So yeah; love you guys and thank you for the support, as always! We hope to bring you even more good stuff soon! 

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