Running a business vs loving the hobby

Running a business vs loving the hobby

I've had a few folk say I'm lucky that my career is something I love, and although they're right, it's not always sunshine and poppies. It still gets busy; it still takes up the majority of my day, preventing me from doing fun stuff and it still requires me to do things I don't want to do in order to run a successful business. 

Like raise prices. :(

Yeah, unfortunately our acrylic supplier has dramatically adjusted their prices upward, which means we've had to readjust some prices. Not by much - we aren't monsters - but we do need to increase them. We've started with our Free Cities Football range, as that's just been updated to include the Season 2 stuff anyway, and we'll be looking at the other ranges as we go. 

But that's enough of the bad news! 

We're going to start trying out some new things here at Art of War Studios, like regular newsletters, new terrain products (which makes me very nervous) and even some battle report videos (again - nervous). Keep an eye on us, as we'll be regularly running deals and promo offers, but only if your subscribed to our newsletter! 

In addition, you may well see us on a well known Guild Ball youtube channel very soon...

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