Moving into 2022
It's fair to say that the pandemic has changed a lot of things! We are no exception, but unlike some unlucky souls, we've managed to keep going through what have been unprecedented and difficult times.
However, 2022 is looming and we wanted to share with you what we intend to focus on over the next year or so! Bear in mind that this is subject to change - this industry is a fickle thing and we have to chase trends as much as the next person.
Ending 2021
We want to round out this year with an Age of Sigmar compatible release, including trackers, dials and tokens all designed to make your game quicker and prettier. Depending on how busy Black Friday is, expect this either early December or nearer Christmas.
Early 2022
This should see the release of our Warhammer 40K compatible accessories, including tokens, dials, and trackers.
We also want to update our Necromunda compatible token range with some new tokens and consolidate our template range into one product to make things easier to pick up.
There are also a few Malifaux compatible accessory updates we want to get done and they should appear quite quickly in the new year.
Later 2022
We want to have a big N4 update for Infinity compatible products, adding missing tokens and some new bits and pieces.
There's a plan to release Bushido compatible tokens and Stargrave compatible tokens, as both of these games are ones we receive regular requests for. Expect the usual mix of status, condition and modifier sets, plus useful range tools.
We also hope to release a range of generic measurement templates, such as rulers, widgets and steppers, compatible with any current game system.
In the Future
As the year progresses we'll start to see what else the industry has to offer. If there's a game that catches our eye, you can be sure that we'll look into whether or not we can add some useful bits and bobs to it.
Of course, if there's anything you'd like to see tokens for that we haven't listed here let us know so that we can look into it!
What about Terrain?
You may have noticed a bit of a lack of it in the future - this is due to the changes discussed above and the growth of the company moving forward. Unfortunately, the company has had to aggressively shrink to survive, and that's cut down on the amount of time we have available for design work. We've had to cancel custom orders for the foreseeable future and, due to it taking a much longer period of time to do compared to tokens and accessories, designing future terrain products. This doesn't mean we'll never release terrain again, just that it's not a focus for 2022.
So that's us for 2022! We hope that we've been able to provide you with some fun bits and bobs over the last few years, and that we'll be able to continue to do so! Happy Gaming!
Art of War Studios