The Calm Before The Storm!

The Calm Before The Storm!

Rogue Trader Warhammer 40k

The Art of War Team plans the next new release...
[Only kidding; it's classic Martin McKenna from Rogue Trader!]

It's been a crazy few weeks. We released our official Guild Ball tokens just in time for Salute, which have gone down an absolute storm. But there's been no time to take our collective foot off the gas. Already we've seen new Captains emerge from the Steamforged Games bunker, with Corbelli getting a lot of people excited. The design team is already working on everything you'll need to run these amazing new characters, so stay tuned! Got to say, though, if you've been thinking about getting into Guild Ball, this is the best time. I don't think there's ever been so much scope, balance and choice across the teams. It's phenomenal.

Corbelli Guild Ball

Other recent new releases from us included X-Wing and Legion, with slick new manoeuvre templates for the Separatists and Galactic Republic, and token sets for Krennic, Sabine Wren and more. It's so good to see games growing and developing, and Legion is one that just keeps getting better. 

Legion Tokens Sabine

Sabine Wren brings all the Thermal Detonators... as is her wont.

Game of Thrones is back on too, which has all of us excited to throw down with the miniatures game. Ash Barker was good enough to review our bits, which was great to see, as we're big fans of his channel. So while we wait from week to week for the next thrilling instalment, we're getting more and more games in to get our fix of Westeros bloodshed and intrigue. 

ASOIAF tokens

As if those two games weren't enough, the workshop has been full of Infinity talk, too. I've fallen in love with Spiral Corps, and after testing them at an ITS (foolish, yes; but also a riot) I can say that having 3 impersonators is deliciously filthy. On Wednesday, I tried straight-up Tohaa, discovering that the Gorgos can have a SymbioMate, which makes enemy missile launchers a bit less frightening. The Draal Saboteurs are superb, too. A single one in a stratuscloud squared off against a fireteam of Hollow Men and held them off for longer than any unit has a right to do. So I'm really loving this new faction. 

 Spiral Corps

Spiral Corps. They're aliens with exotic tech and they rock.

Now, it may seem that we're taking a breather from new releases. But that's far from the case. As I chill, writing this, sipping a coffee and contemplating whether to dip a chocolate malted milk or a rich tea (spoiler: it was a malted milk in the end... obviously), the design team is frenetically working on about a dozen projects at once. You may have seen the Malifaux teaser we posted up a short while back. Well, that's not the only thing that's brewing. Make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to speed!

Lead from the front 40k

Finally, we've been thrilled by the feedback from some of our recent blog posts. Rules ideas for 40k and Infinity have gone down really well, as have our interviews, and we've got a lot more stuff planned. We also want to help you wonderful event organisers get the word out, so if you have an event you want to publicise, give us a shout! 

Have a great weekend, and may all your dice rolls be sixes. Unless you're playing a game that uses D20s... in which case, sixes would be terrible!

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