Every Wednesday, our Field Test blog brings you new rules, missions and ideas to supercharge your games! This week, we share our homebrew rules for running Squats in Kill Team.
Following the cataclysmic destruction of their civilisation by a Tyranid Splinter Hive Fleet, the Squats have become a rare sight in the Imperium. But as the forces of Chaos once again come knocking at the gates of Humanity, the call for aid has sounded and these doughty warriors have answered.
Warriors, Sergeants and Living Ancestors are armed with a lasgun and frag grenades.
Ancestor Lords are armed with a boltgun, chainsword and frag grenades.
Hearthguard are armed with boltgun and chainsword.
Wargear Options:
Any number of Warriors may take a boltgun or shuriken catapult.
A Warrior Gunner may replace their lasgun with a boltgun, plasma gun, heavy plasma gun, melta gun, multi melta or flamer.
A sergeant may take a chainsword or power fist.
A living ancestor may take a boltgun.
An Ancestor Lord may take a boltgun or hand flamer, power fist, thunder hammer or power axe.
A Hearthguard may exchange its chainsword for a chainfist, power fist, thunder hammer or power axe.
Abilites: We Can Run When We Want To, Grudges, Underground Dwellers, Proper Squat Craftsmanship!
Specialists: Leader (Sergeant, Living Ancestor, Ancestor Lord only), Demolitions (Gunner only), Heavy (Gunner only), Comms, Medic, Sniper, Veteran
Keywords: Squat.

Special Rules
We can run when we want to!
Thanks to a combination of genetic engineering and exposure to high-gravity environments, Squats are a short species. This means that despite equalling other species in strength, wit and prowess, they cannot always cover ground at the same rate.
However, Squats can move when the situation demands it. In turns in which the Squat force has the Initiative, increase their Move characteristic to 6. This does not affect Guild Bikers or Living Ancestors (who are just too old to run).
Grudges are an essential part of Squat culture, especially after the Hive Fleet wiped out their civilisation. They take any insult personally.
Every time a Squat takes a Flesh Wound or a Wound, the Squat player receives a Grudge token. Grudge tokens can be spent during any Combat phase to add an extra Attack to a Squat’s Attacks characteristic. Multiple Grudge tokens can be spent at once.
Underground Dwellers
Squats know their territories well, and have mapped out all known tunnels, nooks and crannies. When fighting against a Squat Kill Team, you may not deploy any models within 6” of their edge of the table.
Proper Squat Craftsmanship!
Squats pride themselves in maintaining their weapons, and each member of the team is an expert engineer. Whenever a Squat fires a Plasma Gun or Heavy Plasma Gun on overcharge and rolls a 1, roll a D6. On a 4+ the firer suffers no ill effects.
Classic GW art from ages past.
Squat Tactics
We hope you enjoy these rules. Do let us know how your games turned out.
May your beards be long and your ale ever-flowing!
1 comment
I don’t understand why the shuriken catapult is available to them. They never had such a thing. I just looked at my 2e army list. Not there.