We're off to Steamcon!

We're off to Steamcon!

That's right; we're going to be at Steamforged's big event in Leeds later this month. We're very excited about this, as it's the first time we've ever attended a show in a full, professional capacity! 

Steamcon runs from the 25th November to the 27th, and has players from all over the world attending. The weekend event promises to be full of seminars, meetings and competitions, and of course, games. There will be open games of Darksouls, Shadow Games and Guild Ball, as well as an open hobby area and shopping (that's where we come in). 

Personally, I'm looking forward to playing a game of Darksouls, throwing my hand in one of the Guild Ball tournaments, and pitching a game to the designers in the Kraken's Den! Oh, and as many games of Guild Ball as I can fit in one weekend. Oh, and desperately trying to stop myself from buying a copy of Kick Off... 

Kallie will also be there - she's actually been reading the Season 2 rules in anticipation of getting some of her first games in! You'll find her at our stall in the shopping area, so feel free to invite her to a game and help her with the rules; I think she'll be using Alchemists. 

So come along and see us if you're attending; we have some very special limited edition products and some awesome brand new items for sale. Don't worry if you cant make it; we'll be selling some of those items for a limited time over the weekend on our webstore. 

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