Frontline News!

Frontline News!

With all the hype around Avengers: Endgame dominating social media, you could be forgiven for thinking that everything else had ground to a standstill. But the mighty god-machine of the tabletop gaming industry strides on, and we've noticed some very cool things happening.

Looncurse Games Workshop

The first that springs to mind is Looncurse. This looks like an absolute delight: bonkers goblins bouncing into battle against the Sylvaneth. It looks like the game comes with its own campaign, which is a nice touch. The main draw is of course going to be the miniatures. It's impossible to put into words just how much character and personality the goblins have. The GW design team has obviously had fun with these, and they're a nice nod to the old-school slightly comic artwork and models of the late 80s.

Looncurse Games Workshop

By contrast the Sylvaneth have a really strong, unique look; I can best describe them as wood elves that have merged with the forest itself. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that one of the strengths of Age of Sigmar is that it has allowed the designers to unleash their imagination, rather that strive for something that fit with a fantasy version of a medieval world.

Slaanesh Games Workshop

We haven't forgotten about the forces of Chaos, though. The astonishing new Slaanesh models are now available for pre-order. I love what they've done with the servants of this particular Dark God. They capture the essence of cruelty, arrogance and excess, and will look distinct on the tabletop.

KeyForge Age of Ascension

KeyForge was a massive hit, and the next instalment - Age of Ascension - is on pre-order now. Fantasy Flight Games have offered us all a peek at what's going to be included, with new options for each of the seven houses. The set will certainly supercharge KeyForge and we can't wait to see how the community responds to it. If you're an Archon who likes to sleep on a big pile of Aember, check out the in-depth article from FFG.


We've had a closer look at the new players for Corvus Belli's Aristeia! and are impressed with the way that the Chemical Brothers allow you to manipulate states. Being able to weaken the opposition with poison is a really powerful option. I'm already using a few Aristeia! models in Infinity - Wild Bill makes a cool Bounty Hunter; Hexxer is perfect as an Interventor hacker - and I reckon Hammerhead is just begging to have a massive gun glued onto him somewhere!

Infinity Defiance

We're also super-excited for DEFIANCE, the dungeon crawler set in the Infinity universe, although we're going to have to wait until GenCon to see a prototype version in full flow!

There's more news on the way from us, too! The design team here at Art of War Studios has been working on several new projects. Here's the sneakiest of sneak peeks! Make sure to follow us on facebook and twitter to stay up to speed!

Art of War Studios Sneak Peek

Did anything catch your eye? Is there anything on the tabletop horizon that has you excited?


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